Thursday, December 21, 2017

Lemon verbena

Image result for lemon verbena drawing
Name: Lemon verbena
Scientific name: Aloysia triphylla
Possible uses: colds, headaches, colic, dyspepsia, fever, repel fleas, repel mosquitoes
Part of plant used: leaves
Description: Deciduous or evergreen shrubs with fragrant leaves.  A tender shrub valued for its leaves, which release an intense lemony fragrance at the slightest touch.  Borne in whorls of 3 or more, the papery-thin leaves are pale green, about 3 in. long and 1/2 in. wide, with a rough surface and brittle texture.  Old plants develop woody trunks.  Makes a shrub up to 10 ft. tall outdoors in mild regions and bears lacy clusters of small pinkish white flowers in early summer, but specimens grown in containers or as annuals usually get only 3-5 ft. tall and don't bloom.  Normally drops its leaves briefly in winter, indoors or outdoors.  Sometimes listed as Lippia citriodora. Zone 8.
How to grow: Full sun.  Needs well-drained soil and regular watering during active growth.  Looks best with frequent pruning, which promotes bushiness.  Can be trained into a standard or espaliered.  In cold climates, buy a new plant each spring to treat as an annual, grow one in a pot and bring it into a bright, cool, dry place for the winter.  Water sparingly and prune it back when dormant; it will resprout shortly.  Often infested with spider mites, whiteflies, aphids, or mealybugs.

Refer back to the Sources post to see the exact books that I used!
Taylor's Guide in Herbs

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