Thursday, December 21, 2017

Lady's mantle

Image result for lady's mantle drawing
Name: Lady's mantle
Scientific name: Alchemilla mollis
Possible uses: astringent, styptic to stop bleeding or profuse menstruation
Part of plant used: leaves and roots
Active constituents: tannin
Description: Perennials with lobed or compound leaves and sprays of tiny greenish yellow flowers.   About 200 species, most native to north temperate zone.  An easy and adaptable perennial, lovely as an edging plant or massed around a birdbath or sundial.  The pleated and scalloped 6 in. wide leaves unfold to make a soft gray-green clump in early spring; frothy clods of chartreuse flowers on 2 ft. stalks spil over the top later in season.  Te flowers last a long time in the garden, and they also dry well.  Zone 3.
How to grow: Sun (North) or shade (south).  Tolerates poor conditions but does better with good soil and regular watering.  Cut back after flowering to encourage a flush of new foliage that looks good all fall.  Propagate by division in spring or after bloom.  May self-sow but isn't weedy.  Space 2 ft. apart for ground cover or edging. 

Refer back to the Sources post to see the exact books that I used!
Taylor's Guide in Herbs

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